Indonesia, shaman dives into a river infested by crocodiles fraunting superpowers:

In a daring display of supposed supernatural prowess, Suprianto, a shaman from Indonesia, ventured into the crocodile-infested waters of the Muara Jawa estuary in Kutai Kartanegara. He claimed his mystical abilities would allow him to control the crocodiles, ensuring his safety as he aimed to retrieve the body of Arjuna, another victim of a crocodile attack.

Tragically, Suprianto’s confidence in his powers was fatally misplaced. Witnesses recounted how he confidently swam towards the spot where Arjuna had been killed earlier that day in 2017. However, his attempt to manipulate the crocodiles’ behavior ended abruptly when one of the reptiles attacked him, dragging him underwater where he drowned.

The local police, led by Fadillah Zulkarnaen, confirmed the recovery of both bodies around 9:40 p.m. that Sunday. Zulkarnaen speculated that Suprianto suffocated underwater, noting that both corpses were found intact, suggesting the crocodiles did not consume them but rather drowned them.

This incident was not isolated, as the region has seen similar attacks. Just months prior in July, another man was killed by a crocodile near a waterway, having been summoned by what he believed was the call of a shaman, only to meet a swift and brutal end before even entering the water.


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